​This is an open invitation for research abstracts within the scope of the Second European Congress on Photosynthesis Research.

Our aim is to provide a platform for researchers to present and discuss innovative ideas on Photosynthesis Research. Submit your abstract to gain recognition and valuable insights from experts in the research community!

Make sure to follow our guidelines when submitting your abstract. Details on formatting and deadline can be found here below.

Our review process is rigorous and fair. We ensure that all abstracts are reviewed by the members of the Scientific Committee which includes experts in the relevant research fields of the conference.

Originality of ideas
Relevance to the conference themes
Methodological soundness
Contribution to the field of Photosynthesis


ABSTRACT Submission

ABSTRACT for oral presentations Submission
- 1 December 2023 -
- 8 March 2024 -
Acceptance notifications will be sent starting two weeks after the submission deadline.
All accepted abstracts will be scheduled for an oral or poster presentation.
Those wishing to present an oral communication must stick to to the new deadline (Friday, 8th March 2024)
but if you are going to present a POSTER, you are allowed to submit your abstract until Tuesday, 30th April 2024.


Interact with experts from EU and around the world and establish meaningful connections with professionals in your research field.
Gain exposure and recognition for your work and become a leader in your field. Develop your ideas and discuss your research with your peers.
selected abstracts will be available to all conference participants therefore will receive Visibility in the research community.

Reaction centers: Structure, mechanisms and evolution
Water oxidation in natural and bioinspired systems
Electron, proton and ion fluxes: regulation and application
Light harvesting in oxygenic photosynthesis
Light harvesting in anoxygenic photosynthesis and artificial systems
Photosynthetic acclimation
Biogenesis and maintenance of the photosynthetic apparatus
Engineering leaf and canopy photosynthesis
Carbon assimilation
Engineering and biotechnology of photosynthetic microbes
Aquatic photosynthesis: algae and cyanobacteria
Ecophysiology of terrestrial photosynthesis
Modelling photosynthesis (metabolic and large scale)
Photosynthesis and Climate Change
New technologies and perspectives

Oral and poster contributions both for the ePS YOUNG SESSION and the main conference will be selected based on the submitted abstracts.
It is mandatory to specify whether the applicant is either applying for an oral presentation or for a poster presentation and the related session theme, according to the topic list above.
All submitted abstracts must
follow the A4 template provided (click HERE to download the abstract template)
be written in English
have a maximal length of 350 words.including references (if provided)
be uploaded as .pdf file
be named by your last name

1) What are the eligibility requirements?
All researchers, regardless of their age or career stage, are invited to submit an abstract.
2) How many abstracts may I submit? (one registration, one abstract policy)
You may submit multiple abstracts but please be aware that for each abstract independently, at least one (co-)author is required to register for the Conference (one registration-one paper policy).​
3) Which is the presenting author's registration deadline?
In order to guarantee inclusion in the final conference program one author must be registered by the author's deadline communicated in the acceptance letter.
4) I am a student and my abstract has been accepted. Is a student registration fee accepted to comply with the one registration-one abstract policy?
Yes, it is.
We do encourage student attendance to the Conference. However, the student should also attend the conference and present her/his work. Should there be any change in the presenting Author, the applicable registration fee will be claimed.
5) Can I modify my abstract after submitting it?
No, once you submit your abstract, you cannot modify it.
Make sure to proofread and edit your abstract carefully before submission.
6) My abstract has been accepted. What shall I do?
Instructions for oral or poster presentations will be sent to the e-mail adress provided at the stage of submission
7) My abstract has been refused. Is it possible to contact the reviewers in order to get some further clarifications to help improve?
Your submission was reviewed by the Scientific Committee for technical merit and suitability for the overall conference program. The Scientific Committee cannot give any further clarification.
8) May I attend the Conference even though I haven't submitted an abstract?
You are very welcome to attend the Conference even if you haven't submitted an abstract or if your submitted abstract was unfortunately rejected.
Please contact
for any further questions you may have